The music video starts off in what seems to be a rather tried and tested formula; with a half dressed woman dancing around in skimpy clothes, although this quickly changes and we can see the true potential of the music video.

The lighting and contrast of the whole has been dulled for the dance portion, where the artist, Cheryl is dancing in sync with a group of male dancers in what seems to be a water ally, in front of old school cars and bikes. The city cut scenes however are in full contrast, with helicopter overview shots of the city at night making a huge contrast to the dulled out dance sequences.

The rapid back and forth between these two situations and settings leaves a person rather dizzy, which is good since the music matches perfectly with it. Slow and fast motion cut scenes have also been used, creating a nice change of pace, as well as pumping up the climax even more.
Although a rather typical pop music video, the contrast of the two opposing environments, as well as dancing sillohete of a woman give that little extra spark, and unlike most other pop videos, one does not tire of watching it over and over again.


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