TV Drama : Blackadder Goes Forth
                   Writer : Ben Elton / Richard Curtis
                   Director : Richard Boden
                   Producer : John Lloyd

                   Private Baldrick : Tony Robinson
                   Lieutenant George St Barleigh :Hugh Laurie
                   Captain Blackadder : Rowan Atkinson
                   General Melchett : Stephe Fry
                   Captain Darling : Tim McInnerny

Representation of class

This clip is taken from the tv drama "Blackadder goes forth" directed by Richard Boden.
This clip constructs the representation of class and seperates different classes very easily.
                       The scene starts with a master shot of the whole room establishing the surrounding and making us aware with the set up. As the scene starts we can see that there are 3 men standing behind the table wth one person in front wearing an army uniform with a tie , a bagde on hi coat , telling us that he is an senior army officer (upper class).Behind him are standing 2 men, too in army uniform but without a tie ,a badge on their coat and wearing army hats telling us that they were on a lower rank then captain blackadder ( the senior officer ). On the other had another man is sitting ona table under the judges table wrtting on the files telling us tha e was a low class officer : whic is further proven by captain Blackadder when he tells his lawyer that " he is just the clerk of the court.

             The lawyer of captain Blackadder entres the room in lawyers typical black coat wearing a typical white lawyers hat showing his seniority and nobelity. At the same time another man entres the court room ( the opposition lawyer) wearing an army uniform : tie, with medals on the coat, a belt accros the chest which could not be seen in the uniform of two men wo were standing behind the captain and the clerk of the court again telling us tha the other lawyer too was a high rank offcer.


            As the judge entres the court there are two men behind hm (telling they were juniors and lowclass) which is again supported whenthey get seated on the table , and those tw men sit on both sides of the judge wearing those white has which they later placeon te table througout  the whole hearing. The judge speaks and decides while the other two men remained seated quietly in discipline listening quitely , proving that they were juniors.Only he judges table was decorated with a beautiful cloth with atract art ,spread on the able which not on the clerk table and captains table : proving that the judge was the most senior person and the head of every one present in the courtroom.
             As the case moves on the lawyer of Captain Blackadder calls a witness : "Private Buldrick". As he enters the room we can see that he is an old man approximately in his late fourties (40's) : wearing dirty clothes and a dirty muffler around his neck , carrying a backpack which gives us an idea that he is a poor man may be homeless ( as hes carrying a backpack ). When Captain blackadder asks Buldrick to "Deny everything" Buldrick even denies his own name in the witness box and even denies to admit that he is Captains batman. This shows us his low sense of humor and sense of understanding.  These evidences : dirty clothes, backpack, unshaved beard ad being captains batmn proves that he is a poor man  (low class)

         George ( Captain blackadders lawyer) can also be considered as a junior (low class) man ,as he responded to the captain by saying "yes sir" and did everything according to Captain instructions.In the background as we can see there are expensiv paintings hanging on the wall of the court room with big and expensive frames revealing to u the class of the judge as a nble and a high class person.All the men in the courtroom were wearing long black shoes ( usually worn by high rank officers / and for showing their discpline too. But when bouldrick entres the room he is wearing small/ ordinary  dirty shoes telling us that he was a lower class men . On the other hand all the other officers were clean shaved with tidy hair , wearing an army uniform.
        There can be seen vrious other evidence which can be used to sgregate the 2 classes ( high clss and low class ) apart. ie: There were 2 doors in the court room seperate for the Judge and other peopleFrom this we can see that nly the upperclass (judge) had the authority  to use that door and the other one was used by the ordinary ( lawyers) and lower class (army officers standing in behing and the lawyers).


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